The “Introduction to Cultural Safety” course has transformed my perspective and I am now more aware of the significance of cultural safety in delivering quality healthcare services to the rising numbers of linguistically and culturally diverse patients. According to Pirhofer et al. (2022), cultural safety demands that healthcare professionals and organizations should impact healthcare by reducing bias and achieving equity among the staff and the working environment. I have learned through the course that cultural safety aims to balance power between patients receiving care and professional caregivers. Therefore, caregivers should recognize that (1) an individual’s right to self-determination and dignity ought to be recognized and prioritized, (2) they should address their stereotypes, attitudes, structures, biases, characteristics, prejudices, and assumptions that might affect the delivery of quality care, and (3) they should always practice self-reflection (Day & Tenney, 2021). Moreover, Pirhofer et al. (2022) mention that healthcare authorities and organizations should be responsible for offering culturally safe healthcare per the definitions of patients and their various communities, and as evaluated through progress to achieve health equity.
I intend to apply what I have learned in the “Introduction to Cultural Safety” course to my current nursing practice and my future practice as an Advanced Practice Nurse by (1) spreading awareness to my co-workers to offer more culturally safe care, (2) avoiding making assumptions regarding various cultures, (3) learning more about different cultures, (4) building rapport and trust with my patients regardless of their cultural background, (5) overcoming language barriers, for example, by ensuring that translators are available in the health facility, (6) educating all my patients about medical practices irrespective of their racial or cultural background for them to be able to give informed consent in case of medical procedures, and (7) practicing active listening to hear, consider, and validate the patient irrespective of their culture.
Day, D., & Tenney, E. (2021). Module 2: Caring in a Complex World; In Introduction to
Cultural Safety [Online course module]. Canvas@FNU. https://(insert URL here)
Pirhofer, J., Bükki, J., Vaismoradi, M., Glarcher, M., & Paal, P. (2022). A qualitative exploration of cultural safety in nursing from the perspectives of Advanced Practice Nurses: meaning, barriers, and prospects. BMC nursing, 21(1), 1-14.
We’ll write everything from scratch
Did the Introduction to Cultural Safety course transform your perspective? If so, please share in what way. If not, please share how it relates to your current perspective.
Outcomes or Action
How will you apply what you have learned in the Introduction to Cultural Safety course to your current nursing practice and your future practice as an advanced practice nurse.
Please clearly state which section and question you are addressing when doing so.
For this part of the reflection, you will simply receive full points for answering the given questions (or no points if you do not answer the question). Please reflect as deeply as you can on these questions and feel free to express yourself freely and authentically.
Important Notes
A few special instructions regarding how to cite material from the Introduction to Cultural Safety course:
When you know that information is from a specific source within a course or module, cite that source directly. For example, if you are referencing a particular article, a statement directly from a person or video, or a passage that was quoted from a specific source, cite the source directly (we call that the primary source).
**Always look for the primary source and cite that if possible.
However, when you are citing or referencing content from a module within a course, such as the Introduction to Cultural Safety (ICS) course, you may be citing a primary or secondary source, depending upon what content you’re referencing. This course was written by Ms. Dorene Day and Dr. Tenney and is placed within a module in your FNU course.
In this case, please cite the specific course instructors as the “authors” of that material if there is not an obvious primary source (*note: this differs from the example in the course that shows you how to cite from a course module. This is slightly different because it is a stand-alone course within the module).
Please reference content from the ICS course (that does not have a specific, primary source) like this:
Day, D., & Tenney, E. (2021). Module 2: Caring in a Complex World; In Introduction to
Cultural Safety [Online course module]. Canvas@FNU. https://(insert URL here)
In-text citations can be written as follows:
- Narrative: Day and Tenney (2021)
- Parenthetical: (Day & Tenney, 2021)