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Gibbs Model of Reflection. The 6 stages

Gibbs Model of Reflection. The 6 stages

Gibbs Model of Reflection

Gibbs Model of Reflection is a reflection cycle that provides an organized way for people to reflect on their experiences in a particular circumstance. This model has six stages that should be accomplished for it to be effective. This article focuses on the Gibbs Model of Reflection.

The Gibbs Model of Reflection is a potent framework that enables people to reflect deeply on their lives and draw lessons from them. This reflection model provides insightful information about your ideas, feelings, and behaviors for everyone who wants to become more self-aware. You can use this article to gain insights into the six stages of the Gibbs Model of Reflection and how you can apply it in your reflection assignment paper.

Gibbs’ reflective cycle

The Gibbs reflective cycle is the central component of the Gibbs Model of Reflection. What is Gibbs’ reflective cycle? This cycle has six interrelated stages that work together to guide you through a methodical process of reflection and examination. You can fully comprehend your experiences and go forward with more informed decisions if you adhere to these stages.

Gibbs reflective cycle 1988 was developed in 1988 by Graham Gibbs and it is extensively utilized to improve professional and personal growth in a variety of disciplines, including management, healthcare, and education. Since then, it has grown to be a crucial component of reflective practice, enabling people to think back on their experiences in an organized manner.

There are 6 stages of the Gibbs’ reflective cycle. They include:

  1. Description

In the first phase of Gibbs’ reflective cycle, you describe the experience or occasion that you want to think back on. At this stage, you should give a thorough and impartial explanation of what transpired. Examine the situation’s “who was there,” “what happened,” “when it happened,” “where it occurred,” and “what was the outcome” elements. By stating the facts clearly and concisely, you lay the groundwork for the reflective process to take place. You should always reflect on the relevant information.

  1. Feelings

Our perceptions and reactions to events are significantly shaped by our emotions. At the feelings stage, you should explore your feelings over the incident. Determine the spectrum of emotions you felt at the moment, including mixed, negative, and good feelings. Examining your emotions might help you gain a better understanding of how emotions affect behavior and critical thinking.

  1. Evaluation

In the evaluation stage, you should critically evaluate both the positive and negative elements of the experience. Think about the positive aspects and areas for improvement. Analyzing your choices and behaviors in light of the results is part of this self-evaluation. Furthermore, consider how your emotions may have shaped your assessment. This phase facilitates a more profound comprehension of your areas of proficiency and improvement.

  1. Analysis

At the analysis stage, you examine the circumstances from a conceptual and theoretical standpoint. Think about the guiding ideas, theories, and concepts that influenced your decisions. Consider your presumptions, prejudices, and any outside factors that influenced your actions. This stage helps you become more self-aware by pushing you to explore the layers of logic that underlie your choices.

  1. Conclusion

The conclusion stage is combining your observations and extrapolating more general lessons from the experience. What knowledge have you gained? What knowledge and ideas do you already hold? How does this new information fit into those? Provide a summary of the most important lessons learned in terms of professional and personal growth. The conclusion gives a way to insights that can be put into practice.

  1. Action Plan

The best results come from a reflective practice that results in tangible actions. The actions you will take in light of your reflections are outlined in the “Action Plan”. Which modifications are you planning to implement? How you will use the newfound understanding in future scenarios? Reflection becomes a significant transformation and progress when it is turned into a workable action plan.

You can apply the 6 stages of Gibbs reflective model when writing a reflection paper assignment.

Difference between Gibbs and Johns reflective models

Gibbs and Johns’ reflective models are models used when reflecting on an experience. However, they differ in terms of structure, approach, application, focus, and learning emphasis. Below are the differences between Gibbs and Johns reflective models:

a) Structure

Gibbs’ reflective model has six stages which include description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. It proceeds in a straight line, assisting people in a methodical reflective process that moves from summarizing the incident to creating an action plan.

John reflective model is organized around five questions: what happened, how it happened, what factors influenced it, how it was analyzed, and what lessons could be learned from it. This strategy concentrates on asking targeted questions to encourage introspection.

b) Approach

Gibbs reflective model implies that reflection is a continual process that can be repeated several times. It facilitates people to consistently improve their comprehension and plans of action by incorporating fresh perspectives.

John reflective model gives a methodical approach by supplying focused reflection questions. It promotes a thorough investigation of the encounter using methodical inquiry. From the question, you can self-reflect.

c) Application

Gibbs reflective model is widely applied in many domains, such as business, healthcare education, and more. It is flexible in a variety of circumstances due to its extensive structure.

John reflective model is frequently applied in healthcare and is appropriate in circumstances where a methodical examination of clinical cases is necessary. It supports medical practitioners in investigating the moral, psychological, and social aspects of their work.

d) Learning emphasis

Gibbs reflective model promotes learning from positive and negative experiences. It pushes people to recognize patterns, make better decisions, and hone their abilities.

John reflective model looks at the experience from multiple perspectives to foster empathy and enhance understanding. It seeks to increase self-awareness to promote both professional and personal progress.

e) Focus

Gibbs reflective model places a strong emphasis on a comprehensive examination of the experience, encompassing theoretical analysis, action appraisal, and emotional reactions. It challenges people to weigh the situation’s objective and subjective elements.

John reflective model focuses on looking at the experience from several angles, such as your own, other people’s, and theoretical. It emphasizes the significance of examining the experience’s nature and outside sources.

Gibbs reflective models in nursing

Gibbs reflective models in nursing are used by nurses and other medical staff to discuss the patient’s condition. Below shows how reflective models in nursing Gibbs are applied:

  1. Description

This stage in the nursing process entails summarizing the clinical occurrence or circumstance that calls for reflection. The patient’s health, the situation, the activities done, and any pertinent interactions are all included in the full report that nurses give of what transpired. Proper reflection starts with well-written documentation.

  1. Feelings

At this stage, nurses explore their emotional reactions. They recognize and investigate their emotions regarding the circumstance, including stress, sympathy, relief, and dissatisfaction. Nursing professionals can better comprehend how their moods affect their judgments and behaviors by being aware of these emotions.

  1. Evaluation

At this stage, nurses evaluate their encounter with the patient. They take into account if what they are doing complies with ethical and professional norms. They can learn more about their clinical judgment and critical thinking skills by evaluating their performance and results.

  1. Analysis

At this stage, nurses consider their theoretical knowledge of the patient’s situation as well as their practical knowledge and skills. They also take into account outside variables including the hospital setting, dynamics of collaboration, and communication difficulties. By examining these components, nurses can determine the motivations underlying their acts.

  1. Conclusion

At the conclusion stage, nurses synthesize the knowledge they have received through reflection. They list the most important takeaways from the encounter, covering both professional and personal development. When evaluating an experience, nurses might take into account how it fits with their values and the overall objectives of patient care.

  1. Action plan

An action plan completes the reflective process. Based on their reflections, nurses lay out the precise actions they want to take. These actions could involve enhancing communication abilities, obtaining more training, or attending to emotional well-being to better handle difficult circumstances in the future.

In nursing, applying Gibbs reflective cycle promotes a culture of ongoing learning and development. It enables nurses to think more critically about what they do, improve their clinical judgment, and gain a better comprehension of patients’ needs. The model’s circular structure motivates nurses to revisit and improve their actions. Nurses can also use the Gibbs model of reflection when writing a nursing career goals essay.


Reflective writing models Gibbs enables you to self-reflect on a personal and professional level. It promotes self-improvement from the lessons learned from a past experience. Applying the Gibbs model of reflection in your life leads to better decision-making and maintaining good relationships. As a student, you can use Gibbs reflection model when doing your reflection paper assignment. For reflection paper writing help, use our coursework writing help and you will get a well-written paper.

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