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What is a personal statement?

What is a personal statement?

personal statement

A personal statement is written when applying for a job or college admission. You showcase your skills, achievements, goals, and why you are the best candidate for the position. You can use this article as a guide on how to write a personal statement.

What is a personal statement? A personal statement is a piece of writing written during a job or college application where you describe your skills, goals, achievements, experiences, and the difference you will make once you get that particular job or get admitted to the college. You should write a good personal statement paper that makes you stand out among the other applicants. This is the personal statement definition.

How to write a good personal statement

Below is how to write a good personal statement:

  1. Write an introduction

Compose an introduction that is true to who you are. It should explain your motivation for pursuing the degree or employment, as well as, any recent experience you have with the field of study or job type. Writing an introduction that highlights your identity at the beginning of a personal statement can entice the reader to continue reading.

For a job application mention what drew your attention to the job description. You should state the most pertinent facets of your personality and interests for the position or business. For a college application, describe how the program or school fits with your interests in a particular course.

  1. Write the body

In the body, you describe your experiences, achievements, skills, goals, and contributions to the workplace or college. You should describe your academic achievements and show you qualify for the position. You should also describe if you have the particular skills listed in the job application or the skill the school program is looking for in applicants.

You should explain why are a good fit for the job or school. Talk about your background or your desire to pick up new abilities, carry out duties, or obtain certifications in a certain industry. Describe how the position or course you are applying for aligns with your long-term goals. Choose a precise objective that you hope to accomplish with the help of the job or the course study.

When writing the personal statement for a college admission you should have a proper flow of information in the body paragraphs. You should write two paragraphs explaining your interests and goals. If you just completed high school, you should write one paragraph, and if you are writing a personal statement for a master’s write two paragraphs describing your professional background and set of abilities in the industry of choice.

  1. Write the conclusion

Write a conclusion that will stick in the mind of the college admissions officer or potential employer. It should be a succinct summary of your application’s motivation and your goals for the experience. It should also encourage the admission officer or the employer to learn more about you as a candidate by looking over your other academic qualifications.

In the conclusion, clearly show why you are the best candidate for the school or job. Describe the impact you will make once you get the job or join the school. Complete the conclusion with a memorable statement.

  1. Proofread and edit

After completing your personal statement, you should proofread it loudly to remove any mistakes. When proofreading you should check if the personal statement is written in an easy-to-understand language and if it has a proper flow of information from the introduction through the body to the conclusion.

You may be wondering, what is the general format personal statement? The above guide is the general personal statement format for a well-written personal statement. If you need to learn more about how to structure your personal statement, you can research various personal statement examples.

Personal statement outline

When writing your personal statement, you should write a personal statement outline to organize and strategize your ideas. Below is an example of how to write a personal statement outline:

a) Introduction

  1. Start with a hook to attract the reader’s attention
  2. Give a brief personal introduction and the main purpose of the personal statement
  3. Describe the key idea of the personal statement

b) Background information and past experiences

  1. Give a brief overview of your background, mentioning any pertinent academic and personal information
  2. Describe significant past experiences that have influenced your path, such as struggles, successes, or pivotal times
  3. Describe how these experiences have advanced your career and personal growth

c) Inspiration and goals

  1. Describe your reasons for pursuing this particular opportunity
  2. Describe your long-term goals when you get the opportunity
  3. Make the connection between your inspiration and goals

d) Describe your skills

  1. List your skills, abilities, and strengths and provide more information about them
  2. Give specific instances that demonstrate these qualities in action
  3. Describe how your abilities and attributes meet the needs of the position

e) Describe how the opportunity is relevant to you

  1. Describe the significance of the particular opportunity to you and why you are interested in it
  2. Emphasize the components of the opportunity that align with your objectives, attributes, and interests.
  3. If you get the job or join the college, describe how you hope to contribute to the organization or college

f) Describe the challenges you overcome

  1. Describe any challenges or disappointments you have had
  2. Describe the way you overcame these challenges and the lessons you learned from them
  3. Incorporate your tenacity, resolve, and capacity for adaptation

g) Conclusion

  1. Summarize the key points in the personal statement
  2. Emphasize how excited you are about the chance and how determined you are to succeed
  3. Conclude with a memorable statement that makes an impression

Writing an outline like the above helps you properly structure your personal statement assignment paper and have the proper organization of ideas all through it. An outline helps you not to forget any important information that you would like to include in the personal statement. Once you start writing your personal statement, use the outline as your guide.

Tips for writing a personal statement

There are various tips for writing a personal statement. They include:

  1. Make sure you meet all the requirements

Before you start writing your personal statement, you should make sure you meet all the requirements for the job or college admission. You should carefully read through all the requirements to make sure you are a fit candidate. Check if you meet all the academic requirements and the skill sets needed for the application.

  1. Be authentic

Writing a personal statement requires you to give your personal details and why you think you are the best candidate. Be authentic and original throughout the personal statement. Write your skills, aspirations, goals, achievements, and past experiences.

You should write a personal story that makes you stand out among the other applicants. Avoid plagiarism since it may cost you the chance for a job or college admission. Originality is a key component of personal statement writing thus you should ensure you adhere to it.

  1. Write in an easy-to-understand language

You should use easy-to-understand language when writing a personal statement. Avoid complex terms by using simple language throughout. A personal statement is mainly a story about yourself thus it should not be difficult to comprehend. Make your personal statement concise and impactful by using short sentences and straightforward language.

  1. Use a positive tone

Make sure your writing conveys your excitement for the chance and your appreciation for the reader’s time. Even when writing about a negative challenging experience give a positive lesson that you learned from the experience.

  1. Employ active voice

Employing active voice means using powerful verbs to clearly express your accomplishments that draw the reader in. This makes your personal statement more impactful. You should also explain your credentials using your unique voice to make it seem more genuine and distinctive.

  1. Be vulnerable

When writing a personal statement try to make the reader relate and empathize with your story. Being vulnerable shows your honesty and strength in how you overcome certain challenges. Talk openly about the things that frighten, challenge, or annoy you. You should feel free to share such parts of yourself in your personal statement.

  1. Don’t be predictable

Your personal statement should include instances where you reflect on or derive meaning from your experiences about your beliefs or sense of purpose. Although they shouldn’t be predictable, they shouldn’t appear out of nowhere either. You want the reader to follow you on this self-reflection journey and witness your mind at work.


Writing a personal statement requires you to write your skills, experiences, achievements, and goals that make you stand out among the other applicants. This article gives you a guide on how to write a personal statement for college or a job. If you have a hard time writing your personal statement, you can ‘buy personal statement’ from us.

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